Wears me down
I really dug the intro, given the concept that it was a madness MAC I knew it would heat up, and I appreciated not being punched in the face with sound as soon as it began. However something in the high strings really bugs me, I don't know whether there is an actual issue there or if it's personal preference but something about it doesn't sit right for me.
Once the drums kicked in, I actually liked their erratic feel. I agree with other reviewers that it lacks a real groove, but that is what I liked about it. That said, it could have been a bit better plotted out. I understand the sort of organized chaos you were going for, but it felt a little ... forced?
Then the real problem hit. It doesn't really go anywhere, your main drum beat didn't change at all, very little new material was introduced and it was just outright boring in the middle. At first I really did like it, but while I was eagerly anticipating where the tune would go, I eventually had to face the truth that it wasn't going anywhere. I mean, there is the part where you revisit the intro, but every time I hear that specific drum beat it just reminds me of what I didn't like
I liked the ending, and that you contrasted the chaos with a grounded beginning and end works well.
Overall, I did like it, but it just didn't go the distance for me
Good luck in the comp however.